Re: [Salon] Israel Raises Major Procedural Problem with South Africa Filing, Challenges "Genocidal Intent" by Citing Policies, Relief

I agree that the outcome (both the court’s decision & any real-world impact it may gave) will be determined by politics much more than by the finer points of law. I read the whole of SA’s written application & thought the paper trail they presented there of their earlier attempts to engage with Israel on the matter seemed pretty convincing… Voyons voir what the 17 judges make of it…

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On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 12:44 PM Chas Freeman <> wrote:
I disagree.  This is a political issue as much or more than it is a legal issue.  This view is being peddled fairly widely and is seen as the 'out' for the friends of Israel on the bench in the Hague.  So it is relevant, even if meretricious..

On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 12:41 PM Helena Cobban <> wrote:
As far as I know Yves Smith is not an international lawyer of anything, like the caliber of John Dugard, or other members of South Africa’s very distinguished legal team. So I don’t see the point of circulating her interpretation…

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